Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Columns and Shutters

Columns and the remaining shutters today.


  1. The house looks great! I love the steps -- was that a standard feature or an upgrade?

    The lack of downspouts in the front caught me by surprise but then I noticed the drop outlets and all is better in my little world. Now that the columns are up, will they be finishing the gutter system in the next few days?

    1. The steps were standard on elevation C. Actually I thought all the gutters were done, but now that you mention it I think there were 1 or 2 still in the garage. All the back ones are on.

  2. I love your house! The colors all come together so nicely. The stone is beautiful.

    1. Thanks! It's been very rough ride, but looking forward to the prize!

  3. Why do you say (on another blog, in comments) that you have issues you are not allowed to discuss on the blogs? Did Ryan ask you not to discuss? Just curious because I had a couple of points where they asked me not to mention certain things on my blogs and I feel like it's not up to them.

  4. I like Tammigirl am curious as well about issues that your not allowed to discuss

    1. I had an issue during the build and it was resolved. I signed a contract which stated i can't discuss.
